We are committed to offering a secure environment for the education of Sterling Hall boys. To ensure that we are providing the safest possible setting, SHS has worked with a safety and security consultant to improve our excellent safety measures even further. As an ongoing check, the SHS Health & Safety Committee and the Strategic Leadership Team regularly review issues and concerns, and initiate changes whenever necessary.
Safety Precautions
The following are some of the key safety initiatives that we have in place to protect our students:
- Secure entrances: All exterior doors are locked and the main entrance is staffed by a Receptionist. This helps us limit accessibility for improved security. Whenever a door is required to remain opened, it is fully supervised.
- Parent pick-ups: Students in JK to Grade 2 are dismissed directly to their parents, who must come into the school to pick them up. Children may be released into the care of another adult only if a release form is completed by a parent in advance.
- Outdoor supervision: Teachers are on duty outdoors during the arrival and departure times and during recesses.
- Background checks: All adults working at the school, whether they are full-time, part-time, or volunteer, submit to a vulnerable sector screening.
- Health and medical care: A School Nurse is on site during regular school hours to address any health issues.
- Allergy alert: We operate as a "nut aware" environment, which means that we do not bring foods into the school that contain any type of nuts or peanuts, to protect boys who may have serious allergies.
- Practice drills: We conduct several practice drills each year, to rehearse procedures in case of an evacuation or lock-down situation.
- Small classes: Our excellent student-teacher ratio of better than 8:1 means that we can provide more effective supervision of students than schools with larger class sizes.
- Risk monitoring service: We employ a risk monitoring service that assesses our safety and security protocols on a monthly basis.
- Faculty and Staff: Our Faculty and Staff receive training annually in CPR and AED life-saving skills.
The support of our community is essential for the success of our safety initiatives. We appreciate the participation of our parents in helping us to fulfill these safety protocols, and we welcome your comments and suggestions.
View safety tips courtesy of the Toronto Police Services: