The Sterling Hall School Foundation (SHSF) was established in 2005 as a public foundation to financially support the activities of the Sterling Hall School (SHS) and to provide financial security for its future. Donations received through the Foundation support a broad range of the school’s capital and operating requirements, as well as the school’s financial aid program.
The Board of Directors of SHSF works closely with the school and includes directors with extensive investment management experience. The Board has engaged an investment management firm to manage the assets of the Foundation.
SHSF supports and encourages education at SHS by receiving, investing, stewarding and disbursing funds from its financial aid endowment fund. The Robinson Family Fund (RFF) was established in 2012 with the goal of providing an exceptional educational experience to boys regardless of their economic circumstances. Each year, the Foundation directs a grant to the school for the financial aid program. The Foundation plans to grow this school priority through careful stewardship of its invested assets and support from donors.
The Sterling Hall School Foundation (SHSF) is a registered charity and can issue tax receipts for donations according to CRA guidelines.