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Where Families Belong

Our strong community of families, faculty and staff enriches the experience of every SHS boy by creating a sense of belonging and inclusion that goes beyond the years they spend at The Sterling Hall School.

We are grateful for such an engaged and supportive community, from our parents who bring their children into the school, to our teachers and staff who greet them at the door, from the parent who gives their time to volunteer in the Shark Shop or who listens attentively during a student-led conference, to the grandparents who come out to the school music concert or Grandpals Day. Our community provides such a good influence on our boys, and we see the results of that support in their thriving spirit and in the resilient men they grow into.

We pride ourselves on the fact that everyone greets each other in the hallways, the unparalleled level of parent engagement in our school and the dedication of the countless volunteers and donors who respond generously whenever we ask. These are just a few of the benefits that a school of our size has to offer.
We know parents value our faculty for their commitment to our students and for the fact that they go above and beyond their required teaching to coach sports teams, lead clubs and generally inspire our boys. Our faculty and staff provide a sympathetic presence and a listening ear that each boy and his family remember long past his tenure at the school.

Our community is not just made up of our current families - we also value our alumni network and we think it's telling that so many graduates continue to return to SHS  for a visit. They also keep in touch through The Sterling Hall Alumni Association and now that we have passed our third decade as a school, we are excited to see them returning to us as SHS parents.


Long after boys have graduated from SHS, they continue to stay in touch with their friends and faculty and come back to visit the school.

Read More about Alumni