Our learning success program helps to meet the social, emotional, physical and cognitive needs and potential of boys through ongoing, age-appropriate collaboration between the student, his teachers and family.
The Academic Success Team (AST) strives to effectively prepare our students to become self-advocates who are independent, lifelong learners. Under the direction of the AST co-ordinator, the team consists of full-time teachers (in teacher and associate teacher capacities) who collaborate with faculty, Junior Kindergarten to Grade 8 students, and their families.
The team strives to recognize individual strengths and challenges, as well as providing counsel and collaboration on flexible learning opportunities and environments where possible.
We provide the individual attention needed to accommodate different learning styles, with the overall goal to help students with varying abilities achieve their academic goals.
AST services include:
- temporary individual assistance,
- enrichment opportunities,
- executive functioning support,
- partnership with outside professionals, and more.
AST teachers work daily with Junior Kindergarten to Grade 5 homerooms teaching literacy and mathematics. They also proactively support mental well-being by promoting and assisting community circles in classrooms and providing behind-the-scenes support with our social-emotional learning program and VIA character strength framework.